Prior to adjustment, the DMED data aligned very well by condition with VAERS, Ronald Kostoff's analysis in Toxicology Reports, and data from New Zealand during a time period when vaccines were available while the entire country had essentially no SARS-CoV2 cases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVxmAIKjYM4 I can't imagine that this effort to change the data (which as you have astutely observed shows incredible increases above the base rate for these rare conditions in the active duty population) is the product of a legitimate effort to address the situation by the DHA. If it were, I would expect that they would want to show us some p-values for how likely it is for these rates to be so inflated over the norm for the past 5 years (probably something like p < .001 or worse) then come up with some hypotheses for how the hell that's possible. At this point I think you would have to be hopelessly naive to not just assume the intent of manipulating the data is to serve a political agenda (as opposed to improve the accuracy of the data within DMED). Thanks for your coverage of this important issue!

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Here is how you prove DoD manipulated the data. Focus on annual HIV infections. The infection rate for HIV (all years) for service members is about 20 cases per 100,000 according to https://sgp.fas.org/crs/natsec/IF11238.pdf (page 7-5700). That data goes up to 2017 but you can see a 20 year trend with not much variance. Then in 2021 we see in the DMED data a jump of over 400% in new HIV infections (DMED 5 year average is 454 up to 2273 in the year 2021). Ask DoD for the revised HIV numbers for all years and see what you get. HIV is the key here in proving data manipulation.

This is how to calculate military HIV infections per capita with the 2021 spike. The number of annual new infections among all service members has been about 20 per 100,000 (2000 - 2020) out of 2.1 million service members (includes active and reserve from all branches) is about 420. In 2019 DMED reported 415 new HIV infections. If new infections in 2021 are 2273 then the military HIV infection rate has soared to 108 per 100,000.

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