"Murky" mortality in late 2021
Life insurance companies are 'uncertain' about the causes of increased mortality in late 2021 in working-age adults
Sometimes the most interesting data points come from outside the medical and scientific communities. In this case, from the insurance industry. In one of their trade magazines, the case is laid out for why insurers are still a good investment despite their increased payouts of death benefits.
Original article; Summary article
In short, the article describes that in the second half of 2021 - as the COVID19 pandemic entered its third year, overall mortality among working-age adults went UP.
Despite the fact that COVID related deaths were dramatically lower than in previous years - and that deaths were lower among those most vulnerable to the virus, the elderly - deaths among people 18-64 were up 40%.
This change was large enough to lower life expectancy.
This trend began in the second half of 2021.
The article ties itself in knots trying to (not) explain this sudden increase in deaths after the pandemic had peaked. Their primary proposal is underreported COVID deaths. We all know that COVID deaths were massively overreported (with vs from) and that the variants present in later 2021 were even less deadly than the earlier strains.
What these analysts never consider is a major event that happened in early 2021 - but did not reach maximal implementation for this younger demographic until May/June of 2021:
The best explanation is side effects of the mass injection of experimental mRNA shots.
As shown by Twitter savant ethicalskeptic, the increase in mortality in this age group is perfectly correlated with the mass vaccination program.
He also debunks one of the claims in the article that "One of the things that makes us believe that these really are direct or indirect COVID is the causes of death tend to be comorbid with COVID. Alzheimer’s, diabetes, things like that, but in addition they tend to move with the COVID deaths."
CDC data clearly show that deaths attributed to Alzheimers disease were not up over this period.
The most important aspect of this article is a clear admission that deaths are up among young people.
Life insurance companies see a clear inflection in mortality among working age Americans beginning in mid-2021 - a trend that continues to this day - and are so blinded to the possibility that giving millions of doses of poorly tested drugs could play a role that they do not even consider it?